Here is some snapshot of the new showroom , actually not so new , we 've been operate that show room since 12 years now and previously designed by an American designer … you can tell by some florida finger print .
Any way we redecorate and a news style is about to embrace the so frozen market . So lets be more decadent ,more baroque , we have nothing to lose ... but money . it's the game ! any suggestions PLEASE GO ahead
Any way we redecorate and a news style is about to embrace the so frozen market . So lets be more decadent ,more baroque , we have nothing to lose ... but money . it's the game ! any suggestions PLEASE GO ahead
Hello! I just couldn't resist doing a post about your fabulous blog. I really hope you do not mind. I just want others to see what great things you do.
Felicitations et Mabrouk dans ce nouvel endroit...Je pense que vous avez toutes les armes pour rencontrer beaucoup de succès
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