Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pink marble is not always for butcher shop

I always thought that pink marble on the walls will turn the place into a fine ‘caterer’ shop you know where they have expensive raviolies and terrine de fois gras . but voila it turn pretty nice .

The black wood work and metal work give a bit of a bold to the all place .

Unfortunately I can not show you that all place just some details , to respect my customer privacy , this is like this in the meddle east 


Love Your Homes said...

Bonjour Zelda
I could kill fot that console table...smashing!!


Anonymous said...

Zelda, what you've accomplished is incomprehensible! I can't get over the work you do. Thank you for coming to my blog. I'd love to know more about your work and furniture, not to mention your daily life!

Zelda said...

Ingela , you are mnost welcome to kill for that console ;-)

My dear Judith , I 'm not alone doing all that . Lots of support lots of employees a great project manager for that particular project, about 70 companies, a turn over of 350 workers on site at all time , containers from all over the world . I'm just the designer , and a designer alone is NO BODY . he maybe take the credit of all of it but it's a huge organization coordination, technicality and politic are taking 90 % over 10 % of artistic work … and at the end , it is this 10 % that are taking over all .

Sandstone Suppliers in India said...

Hello There,

this is really very nice blog and looking very nice. this blog is very helpfull for shopping .. we want come back on this blog...

Zelda said...

Hi @Sandstone ... thanks for your comment and i am sorry if I just saw it now .
