Thursday, July 21, 2011

Made in China :part 2 - The Elegant red ,

In the Red capital Beijing as well as in far up in the mountain in a very rural village , the color red is dominant , the simple Chinese city hall ,temple, gathering house of a little village in the Unan Province was a shrine dedicated to red , I took many pictures I was drown and fascinated by the "no decoration' but beautiful building I was in .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Made in China means ;fine taste , elegance and beauty / visiting red capital ranch

Made in China  means ;fine taste , elegance , beauty , nothing show of or outrageously tacky and over done , I'm in love with the true Chinese identity architecture and interior , a balance between needs , believes ,incredible skills, patience , and over all a rich result even then you can visit a very poor village house beauty is always always there !

as long as the modern world did not reach the place it remain fascinatingly enchanting . China is and will always be a very important lesson of interior design and architecture for me the evidence of beauty and need combined

It is sad that the world cheap market spoiled China 's noble letters

Here are the Picture taken at the "red capital Ranch " in the Manchuria province at the great wall feet where the little houses are build . it is an absolute enchantment to be there . it is actually a little Tibetan place in China unusual to see them there , you eat Tibetan as well . a very interesting experience  


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jean Dange ,the Art of eclectisme and Asian twist

His big portraits , his colors combinations ,his eclectisme  his Asian twist , are probably his finger print into the world of decoration , artist , creator , metteur en scene , this young French decorator is  truly an inspiration .
